Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to School!

Well....sort of. Today was our first day of school, but for the first two weeks, we're mostly just reviewing. This is partly because a particular oldest child of mine has scarcely picked up a pencil in three months and needs the review, but mostly, it's a budget issue. When the majority of your income depends on a school year only paycheck, it's hard to gather the appropriate materials needed before the school year starts. So, we still need some things like new colored pencils, glue sticks, etc. Also, this year we're actually going to be using a ready made curriculum for Little Professor for the first time, and it hasn't arrived yet.

Overall, I was quite impressed with our first morning of school. There was (almost) no whining or crying, and the older two actually wrote TWO pages worth of journal entries voluntarily, and (for Little Professor) IN CURSIVE! Princess even wrote most of her journal entry, instead of dictating like she did for her kindergarten journal. And Puppy felt so left out, I'm going to have to get one for him, too! Last year, journal time was the absolute worst part of every day, but I'm hopeful that this is a sign that it will be easier this year.

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